Best Use of Social Media

For best use of social media, judges are looking for practices whose social media is creative, memorable and impactful.

The social media landscape is always changing and as a result many practices have found switching platforms to be a better way forward. If that’s you, tell us how you are experimenting and what’s working.

Judges want to see original, engaging content that is perfectly pitched to its audience and how this is leading to meaningful connections and adding value.

This category is open to practices and other built environment professionals as long as the conversation is about architecture.

See the 2022 winner here.





Entry Fee: £150.00 + VAT


Content Is there original, engaging and relevant social media content that resonates with your audience?
Creativity Judges always enjoy something new, which could be a new channel such as Instagram Reels and Twitter Spaces, or a new, creative way to use it.
Engagement How are you reaching out to your followers? Have you managed to make meaningful connections? How are you growing your followers?
Tone Does the persona of your channels represent the tone of your practice and is it consistent with the website? Does it have a voice and point of view?


  • Dave Sharp, Office D.SHARP

    Dave is an architectural marketing expert offering marketing strategy and advice to architects. He is the host of the podcast Office Talk Australia and has recently launched Office Talk UK, focused on UK-based architecture practices. X: @davesharp IG: @officedavesharp

  • Danielle Bowman , Founder, Found by Few

    After working in architecture, design and digital media Danielle launched Found By Few, a product and design recruitment agency working with major brands to raise awareness around topics such as race, class, intersectionality, inclusion and accessibility. IG: @foundbyfew

  • Freddie Counsell, Head of Social, LCA

    Freddie has worked on campaigns for an array of blue-chip clients spanning B2B and B2C. His roles have encompassed strategic insights, creative ideation, content production, influencer activation and management of paid campaigns. IG: @fpcounsell

Entries are currently closed

Other Categories

Best Use of Video

Judges want to see films that are inspiring and informative so it becomes a compelling and engaging experience. This category is for films over two minutes thirty seconds

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Best Visual Design

Websites that make an impact and communicate a visual experience, where the design is high quality, appropriate and relevant for the audience.

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Best User Experience

For websites with elegant, efficient and consistent navigation so users can find relevant content quickly and easily.

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Activism Award

A group or individual addressing one of the built environment’s pressing challenges from issues of inequality and diversity to homelessness and climate crisis

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